Dorothy 6th March 2013

Wed. March 6, 2013 Hi Sweetpea, It's a nice day to say Hi and to send a big hug and kiss your way. I hope you like the blue daisys I left for you last Sunday. I placed them in the vase along with the pretty red ones. Someone has done a good job of cleaning your headstone...they take such good care of your resting place. I am off along with my sisters to Sacramento tomorrow. Please ask GOD to be with us as we travel and ask him to protect and keep us safe. I especially ask that GOD be with the family as we go to visit with my Sis Fran's family. Friday will be a year since she passed to a better life. I know she is resting in peace and no longer in pain. Give her and my parents a big hug for me too. Love you to the Moon and back. Nana Dee