Dorothy 9th July 2013

Monday * July 8, 2013 * 4:52 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, It's me again...Nana Dee, logging on to see your pics and listen to your music. Your Tia Char and Tia Marisa and I had lunch with your Mom and Nana last Saturday at Miracle Mile. As always, it is good to see, visit and share a meal with them. They will always be a part of my life and so will you. You live on in the hearts and minds of everyone who was Blessed to know you. GOD send you down and Blessed us when you were born. You were our little Angel here on Earth and now you are our little Angel looking down on us from the Heavens. I send up a big hug and I am blowing a kiss up to you right now! Love you always and forever my little grandson. Nana Dee