Dorothy 29th January 2014

Tuesday * Jan. 28, 2014 * 9:58 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, It's been awhile since I posted something and I can't believe the month of January is almost over! As you probably already Tata passed away this week. I have a feeling you were there to greet him as he passed to the other side. I do not like to say he died. A feel a person does not die, a person passes on to a better place is how I see it.That place is Paradise and GOD is there to greet us. Forgive me for rambling on about this, but I know you understand. Please ask GOD to comfort your Nana Lupe, your Mama and the rest of his children, grandchildren, family & friends. They will need strength to endure to tough times and I pray that family and friends are there for them. You have probably seen your little brother Austin Noel. I am happy for your Mom as she has a precious child to love. I know her love for you is constant and you will always be in her heart as you are in mine. Love you to the Moon and back a billion-gazillion times. Nana Dee