Dorothy 12th September 2014

Thursday * Sept. 11, 2014 * 9:01 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, I haven't been by to post something lately...I get busy and forget to login, but it doesn't mean I don't think of you. As always, I still have the frame on my living room wall, with all your pics and as I walk it on my way to the bedroom, I give you a little kiss. A kiss from my finger to one of your pics. Sometimes when Emily is over, she sees your pics and says you are her little brother. I don't want to correct her...she is so cute and so smart. I know you would have been so smart handsome and so brave. Next week, The LORD willing, I will be flying to Sacramento with your tias. Ask GOD to grant us good health and a safe trip to and fro. We will be with Belle and support her through yet another birthday, her Mom's, your Tia Frances would have been 78 on Sept. 17th. I know you see her, give her a big hug for me and also a hug and kiss to your Nana Maria and Tata Manuel. I know they are all up there with you. You keep each other company and also your Tata Robert. May GOD have mercy on them. Well, I just wanted to say Hi and let you know you continue to live on in our hearts and memories. Love you to the Moon and back a million-gazillion times my sweet little Angel. Love you forever and ever, Nana Dee ;o)