Dorothy 29th July 2019

Monday * July 29, 2019 * 9:28 a.m. Good morning Sweetpea, The day you passed and met GOD is coming up soon. It'll be 12 years that you gained your Angel wings. You would be 15 if you had lived and I think you would be starting your sophomore year at high school. Maybe your Junior year? I'm not sure, but I often wonder how you'd be, tall and handsome with an awesome personality. You'd be smart and taking Honors classes and maybe you'd be playing football? Anyway, Nana is just daydreaming...and its because of something I read today on Instagram. Something your Mom wrote about your brother Austin starting his first day of Preschool today. And how you would have started Preschool too if you had lived another day. Its a bittersweet day for her as she recalls how things might have turned out had you still been here. I shed a tear too thinking about it, it still hurts my heart, its still painful recalling things so long ago. I love and miss you and so does she, your Nana Lupe and your extended family. We know you are in a better place and place filled with GOD's Love and I can only imagine what Heaven is like. I just know that I will see you once again, we will all see you and I will see my loved ones that have passed. My Mom & Dad, my Sisters Victoria & Frances, my Grandparents, and one I never met, my Grandmother Juana. Until that day, I will aways keep you close to my heart and in my memories. Love you to the Moon and back. Nana Dee