Dorothy 3rd September 2016

Friday * September 2, 2016 * 8:46 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, It's me again, checking in to see how you are doing? I know that you are happy and healed. Jesus gave you Angel wings and a new body. One that is beautiful and free from pain. I know you look down on us and see your Mom, Dad, me and your other Nana, your Tios & Tias and all you cousins. I know they miss you as much as I do. Today I spent some time with your Dad and his family. He was busy doing some yard work...about time! Anyway, Nana is a bit tired tonight, so I will make this short and sweet. Have sweet dreams up there on your fluffy little cloud okay. Ask GOD to watch over all your loved ones and take care of us...please. Thank you my sweet little Angel...I will love you & miss you forever. Nana Dee