Dorothy 2nd February 2017

Wednesday * February 1, 2017 * 9:18 p.m. Hi Sweetie, Nana is having trouble logging in, but I think it's okay now that I've changed my password. I wrote a long note, but was not able to save it, but i know you saw it. I have a feeling you can read and write and even jump and play on two good legs. I picture you with a big smile on your face and I know you are so happy in Heaven. Happy with your loved ones, your Tata and the LORD. I can't believe it'll be 10 years come this August since you've been here. Ten years without you and we are still missing you. I picture you so tall and handsome with lots of black and thick curly hair. I know you would have been taller than me by now. Seems everyone is taller than me ha! I tell people I'm petite...not sounds better! ;o) Well, January has come and gone and we are into February already. My birthday is around the corner...another year older and although I feel like a young senior, I know the years are creeping by...more like flying by to tell you the truth. Your Dad, Marisa and I had dinner last weekend. It's always nice when we can all come together. He seems to be doing well, but still using that nasty chewing tobacco. I pray that he stops using it soon. I pray for everyone with a's so hard for people to break a bad habit. Please pray for him and his family. Keep an eye on us and ask The LORD to Bless, Protect and keep us Healthy and Sane. In JESUS Precious Name I pray and ask all these things. Amen. Love and miss you little guy. Hugs & Kisses to you my Grandson! Goodnight, Nana Dee