Dorothy 2nd October 2017

Sunday * October 1, 2017 * 7:05 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, It's me Nana coming by to say Hi...its the first day of October! And, I am so glad we will start cooling off now. The month of Sept was busy. As you know, I flew to Sacramento with your Tia Alicia and met your Tia Char, Tia Janie and your cousins there. We had a nice trip and a good time. I thank GOD for watching over us and bringing us home safely. Tomorrow is Monday, and I plan on going to St. V de Paul to do some volunteer work and hopefully, take Emily & Jasmine to school Tues. & Wed. They will be on Fall Break next week and I'm sure I will have them a couple of days. I will have to take them to the zoo or somewhere fun. They like to keep busy. I wish you were here so I could take you too. I wish you had lived to be healthy and still in our lives. It wasn't meant to be...I don't know why...only GOD knows why and someday HE will let us know. Well, Sweetpea, continue to enjoy your presence in Paradise. Someday I will see you again. I will run to you and give you a great big hug. Until that day, I will continue to hold you safe in my heart. Love and miss you my little brave guy. Nana Dee