Dorothy 14th March 2018

Tuesday * March 13, 2018 * 8:42 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, Its Nana coming by to say Hi, and I will always check-in with you as long as I can. Nana is a bit under the weather's an upper respiratory infection is what the doctor said. Its a virus that will run its course. I just hope I don't get the girls sick. They are coming tomorrow morning to spend the night as they are on Spring Break. I just hope I have the energy to do something with them. They like to go places and see new things. And, they like to eat! Your Dad said he has a cough only at night. I think its allergies, its that time of the year when things start blooming and then the wind spreads all the pollen everywhere. Please ask GOD to help me feel better soon and I pray the girls don't get sick either. I also ask prayer for my best friend Sylvia Jeanette in Florida whose son is not doing well. I pray The LORD take him quickly and give him rest from his suffering. I pray The LORD comfort my friend Sylvia Jeanette and give her strength to endure this difficult time. I also ask for prayer for Tessie who has pancreatic cancer. LORD heal her those who are dealing with this awful disease. Also for my friend Lupe who is healing from shoulder surgery. LORD, Heal her and make her well soon. I know there are others who need prayers too. Thank you for letting me come to your site to offer up my prayers Sweetpea. I love you and I will always remember you, my brave little Grandson. Nana D