Stephanie 5th October 2007

Hi mijo, I am missing you very much today. I feel so alone without you and it's hard to go on. I am trying so hard to be strong for you and seems like some days are just harder then others. Today is one of those harder days. I wish so much that you were here with me. I miss everything about you Brandon. I miss kissing you on the bridge of your nose and laying my head next to yours. My heart aches for you Brandon. Like no other pain I have ever felt before. It's unbearable at times, but I have to keep thinking that I know you want me to be happy. I'm trying hard for you Brandon, I really am. Sometimes I can't help but just cry. I pray every night that God gives me strength too. I can't wait till I get to see you again. Watch over me and daddy. I know he misses you very much too. I love you son!