4th May 2023

Wednesday May 3, 2023 7:36 PM Hi Sweetpea, It’s been a couple of months since I chip day. I’ve been busy babysitting and traveling all the way to Waddell, which is a 66 mile round-trip for me, but I really don’t mind because I get to watch Little Gabriel. He will be four months old on May 5 and he is growing bigger and looks much healthier. Marisa and Jon had a couple difficult months with him but he seems to have settled down and doing much better. Thank God. Last month your uncle Tony, and aunt DeeDee was here from San Jose for about a week and then your uncle Manuel and wife Joanna came from Hawaii and they stayed with me for four days. They were on their own for a couple of days, but Jose kept him company while I was babysitting. It was nice having them, but I told him nice one day leave and I have the house all to myself again from Phoenix. it flew to Sacramento and spent a few days there before. Heading back home on May 2. Your deal seems to be doing OK but I know he a cyst on his spine and a spot on his lungs. I think he came to say goodbye. I don’t think she’ll be back at six to push harder home and Joanna. It’s sad, but I don’t want to think about it right now. So many people are ill. Anyway, I head out to Waddell tomorrow to watch your lil cousin Gabriel Ezra Olea. I always pray that God get me there safely because traffic on the freeway is crazy. There are a lot of unhinged people driving cars and they speed in and out of traffic. Anyway, the little bambino is going to be four months old on Friday, May 5 Cinco de Mayo cha-cha-cha! Good night I forgot to log out. Love and miss you Nana D