Mama 19th July 2023

Hi Baby!! I know I don't write much on here, but just know I love you so so much and always think about you. I could go on and tell you all the good things that happen in life, but I know you are right there with me. I know you see how bug your brother is getting. He tells me all the time that he misses you even though he's never met you. He sees your pictures around. I know you would have been such a good big brother to him. He starts school next week. He will be at home again because he said he's not ready to go in person, which I don't mind. With all that goes on in this world, it eases my mind to know he is safe. Plus Nanas lungs aren't the best so I try really really hard to keep her away from illness. I hope this is the right decision. He does good here and is always so focused. I think that's why I feel ok with it. You know Brandon, I like to think that you and Tata had something to do with bringing Larry into my life. He takes such good care of me, your brother and not only us, your Nana too. He takes Nana to her drs apt when I am not able to. He takes her to get haircuts. Cooks for her and always makes her valentines special too. I am truly blessed. I needed this in my life after going through so much pain. Thank you!! And thank you to Tata too! I love you baby! Watch over us all, especially your Nanas and brother. Talk to you soon 😘