Dorothy 26th February 2012

Sat. ~ February 25, 2012 ~ 9:34 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, It's Nana coming by to say Hi and I'm sending you a big hug you way....way up where you are in a place where you are happy and healthy! I am thinking of my sister Frances this evening and I am asking that you please ask GOD to make her well. You see she is in the hospital with thyroid cancer and it's not good. The Doctors give her only a couple of weeks, but I know GOD is in control and only He can heal her and make her well. I lift her up in prayer tonight and I know her life is in GOD's Hands. Brandon, my little Angel, please ask GOD to intervene on her behalf. She is such a wonderful Mom, Wife, Sister, Grandmother and we all love her very much. We don't want to see her go....but I know if she does leave us, we will see her once again. I love and miss you my Sweetpea and I always will. Love you to the Moon and back. Nana D.