Dorothy 3rd March 2015

* Monday * March 2, 2015 * 9:05 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, We are into March and Spring is around the corner. Visitors from Sacramento will be here next week too. I am looking forward to their visit and showing them the sights. We hope to go to the Grand Canyon, The LORD willing we will all have a nice time. Belle will be staying with me and Paco & Angela at a hotel. I pray we all get together for a BBQ or Potluck. I pray they have a safe flight to and from the valley. I pray for unity for all of our family. As always, I miss and think of you often. Marisa & I had dinner with your Dad & his family yesterday. It's nice when we can all get together to celebrate his birthday. I cannot believe he is 35. I still picture him as a young kid. I still picture you in my arms and I will never, ever forget you my little Heavenly Angel. Goodnight, sweet dreams up there on your fluffy little cloud. Love you to the Moon a million-gazillion times and back. Nana Dee