Dorothy 3rd April 2015

Friday * April 3, 2015 * 2:49 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, Today is Good Friday and it's a nice Spring day outside. I just came back from Walmart and dropping Candie off at PetSmart...she needs grooming badly. She was looking shaggy and her eyes get all gooey, so it was time. Anyway, while at Walmart, I see the Easter baskets, the decorations, the clothes, etc. and I don't know why, but I feel a little sad. I guess because things have changed. Your Dad and Marisa are grown and of course your Dad has a family which keeps him busy. Marisa has a job and a place in Tempe and it's just me and Candie. Anyway, I don't feel like being social, don't feel like hanging out with family and not even going to Alex's because there are so many people from Erika's family that I really don't know. It gets crazy and I feel I don't belong. I don't know why I feel this way, but I'm glad I can tell you because I know you understand & you know where I am coming from. Sorry for rambling on...I will probably feel better later. I miss you and love you and I know you are in the best place ever...Paradise and in HIS Loving Arms. Thank you JESUS for dying on the cross for us, for shedding your precious Blood. Amen. Talk to you later Sweetpea...Love you to the Moon and back. Nana Dee