Dorothy 23rd June 2017

Thursday * June 22, 2017 * 7:49 p.m. Hi Sweetpea, Its me again, your Nana Dee. I watched your sister Emily & Jasmine the past couple of days. I took them home & had them clean their rooms. They weren't too happy with me, they were bellyaching, but when all was said & done, they were pleased that the rooms looked nice. I told them to stop throwing clothes and stuff on the floor, that they need to help their Mom out more. Hee Hee ;o) Anyway, tomorrow I get one of my back molars extracted & I pray that all goes well. Ask GOD to watch over me & give Dr. Fish, the endodontist all the help that he needs. You see another dentist who was trying to do a root canal, broke off a piece of metal & it needs to come out. I just pray it comes out when he pulls out the molar. Its a bit nerve-wracking, but I will leave it in GOD's Hands. I just needed to come vent again Sweetpea. Thank you for allowing me to come to you and vent. I love and miss you and I always will. Love, Nana Dorothy/Dee