Dorothy 2nd July 2017

* Sunday * July 2, 2017 * 1:52 p.m. * Your page opens up with the voice of a little boy singing and I think it is your voice. It is how I picture you singing if you had ever been given the chance to sing. Your sweet angelic voice is now praising GOD, our LORD and SAVIOR! This morning, I went to church & took your Tia Susie. Afterwards we went to The Azteca to buy some menudo and pan de huevo. I know you look down on your family to see what we are doing and I know you have a direct line to GOD. I also know you are happy & well in Paradise. We miss you nonetheless Sweetpea. We will always carry you in our hearts and I know someday we will be reunited. Someday I will hold you in my arms again. Love and miss you more than you will ever know. I get to see your sis Emily & Jasmine tomorrow. Ask GOD to watch over your Dad & I ask that HE gives him the strength to quit tobacco. Thank you for listening to my prayers Sweetpea. Your Mom's birthday is the 13th & I pray its a happy & healthy one for her. Talk to you soon...Love Nana Dee XOXOXOXO