Dorothy 3rd September 2020

Thursday * September 3, 2020 * 10:43 a.m. Hi Sweetpea, I've been on the computer for awhile, reading the news online and playing games. It seems to be what I do everyday to get my morning started. I brew my coffee then bring it to my desk with something to munch on. Smokey follows me to see if I will drop a crumb here and there. He keeps me company and is a pretty nice dog except for the occasional bite...ha ha! I shouldn't laugh but it is funny. He bit my friend Angie's A/C guy on the pant leg. He let out an "ouch" and Angie was surprised because Smokey had been hanging out in the bedroom with her dog Stella when he came out of the room and made a mad beeline for the A/C guy. Well, that's my little story for the day. Thank GOD we are in Sept now. The worst of the heat is over and I'm so happy because I love this time of the year. We have endured the worst summer heat ever Sweetpea. Anyway, enough of my bellyaching...I do hope you are doing well and happy jumping around on your little cloud. I picture you exploring every corner of Paradise and GOD has a huge smile on his face and laughing at your antics! That is what I imagine is going on up there. I just know in my heart that you are so happy and healthy. I haven't been by to place flowers or a spinner for you because its been to hot to venture out for long, but I will soon...I promise! Okay I have to get busy, get out of my pj's and so something productive. I love and miss and I will talk to you soon Sweetpea. Love Nana Dee